Friday, November 13, 2015

S'more Writing #resvt

On Friday the 13th our class once again joined Mrs. Lister's first graders for a writing celebration. This was no ordinary writing celebration, however it was a mid-processes CAMPOUT celebration! First graders had been busy working on writing "how to" books, while second graders have been focusing on writing catchy introductions to their teaching or all about books. Students read by flashlights and were wearing pajamas for our campout theme. Second graders helped their first grade buddy decide which "how to" book to publish, while first graders helped their second grade buddy decided which introduction grabbed the reader's attention the most. This was a great way to celebrate our writers and everything they have tried in their informational writing to date. Our classes are providing feedback to each other, forming friendships across grade levels, and learning more about the writing process. We ended our campout celebration with s'mores of course!