Monday, March 20, 2017

Fastt Math #resvt

March 20, 2017

Dear Second grade families,

I am sending home information regarding the Fastt Math online computer program with your child today. Students have experienced Fastt Math in the classroom, practiced logging on and completed lessons. Attached to the letter explaining Fastt Math is your child’s login and password information.
This is NOT required for homework! Students will have time throughout their days to complete the required 6 lessons a week. If your child would like to complete more lessons at home, they are more than welcome to, but it is not required. Please note that students are only allowed to complete two lessons a day, so if your child already completed their lessons at school, they will only be allowed to play games.
If you have any questions regarding Fastt Math, have trouble logging in at home or any other questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.

Take care,
Kristin Darling