Monday, August 31, 2015

Our class should....everyday! #resvt

Over the past few days, second graders have been brainstorming what they would like their classroom to be. In part with our social studies unit, "Our Caring Classroom", students had to answer this question: Our class should be ________ everyday. Students responded with:

Our class should laugh everyday.
Our class should smile everyday.
Our class should have fun everyday.
Our class should be respectful to everyone.
Our class should be nice to everyone.
Our class should respect the environment.
In our class we should be smart.
In our class we should be good students.
In our class we should be awesome people.
Our class should be positive.
In our class we should show whole body listening.
In our class we should give others green thoughts.

I look forward to the class developing these ideas and expectations which will make our classroom excel during this school year!