Sunday, November 4, 2018

Curriculum updates with resources! #resvt

Have you been wondering what your kindergartener has been up to while at school? Here is a list of what we have been working on during academic times. There are clickable links that will bring you to a resource I have either used with the students or a resource for families.


  • Students have been working with 2-D shapes. We have been identifying them around our environment, creating pictures, discussing what we observe, and having exploring! Shapes we have been focusing on are: circle, oval, square, rectangle, diamond(rhombus), triangle, trapezoid, hexagon.
  • Please use the following link to see Investigations Math family letter from unit 3. A paper copy will also be coming home in your child's home/school folder. Happy shape hunting!
  • Counting backward from 10-1 has been a skill that the class has been working hard on. Here is a video that we have watched to help students remember the number order. 

Word Study:

  • We completed a review of the lower case letter and letter sounds we have learned up to this point. Students have made amazing progress-it is fascinating to see! Towards the end of the week we introduced the lower case letter formation for letters: p, j. Along with letter formation, students learned the sounds and picture clue that Fundations uses. A letter explaining more will come home on Friday in your child's home/school folder. 
  • Snap words learned so far: I, the, see, can.
  • Reader's have been working hard trying to point to each word on the page. We continue to mark our "WOW!" pages and reading with our partners. 


  • We continue to write true stories. Students will start to stretch words out and write all the sounds they hear to write labels or sentences. Keep pointing out to your scholar things they have done or happened to them that would make great writing topics!
  • We have been exploring animals in Vermont and how they change our environment. Scientists took an in depth look at squirrels and beavers. Coming up next students will examine pets and decide what animals need to survive; this will then extend to plants' needs.
  • The following are videos we have seen to show examples of how animals change their environment to meet their needs: Beaver Chew TreesRabbit DiggingSquirrel NestSquirrel DiggingWoodpecker
Movement Breaks:
  • We love to use a variety of movement breaks throughout our day. Some popular ones are simple games that encourage being silly or working together, Yoga 4 Classrooms (we love the star pose and power breath), or a dance party! We also use technology for some movement breaks such as GoNoodle or Cosmic Kids Yoga. All of us benefit from getting up and moving throughout our day.