Richmond Elementary School Lantern Parade
Thursday November 3rd, 2016
at 6pm
(Rain Date: Thursday November 10th)
We are EXCITED to announce that students from Richmond Elementary School will be working with talented visual artist Gowri Savoor, during a six day artist in residence in mid-October. During this residency every K-4 student will create a paper lantern during their weekly art classes. Students will have a chance to create something beautiful, using varied materials and will be supported by Ms. Savoor and art teacher Mrs. Kim Aucter as they create.
The lantern parade will allow us to showcase our work to families and each other and we hope you can support this great artistic opportunity for students by saving the date and attending! The parade will include a lighted walk, music and hot cocoa.
We are so thankful for our community partners who support amazing opportunities for our students! This Artist in Residence was made possible by grants from the Vermont Arts Council and the Huntington Valley Arts.
Are you interested in helping to support the arts and this event at RES?
1. We are looking for a few recyclable items for the lantern making (drop off at school by October 14th):
Large Yogurt Containers (32 Ounces)
Shallow Plastic Containers
Small Bubble Wrap
Yarn Scraps or rolls
Plastic Tablecloths (Perhaps a birthday party leftover?)
2. We need to borrow:
Small Hand-Held Pruning Shears (label and we will return)
3. We need as many adult helpers as we can get—! If you have some time to come in and create with a class (or two) or could help us to organize materials and the parade. Parade organizers include helping set up materials, serve hot cocoa, and sharing your musical talent! Please sign up here: