via Instagram We went on a lovely walk through our outdoor spaces. We collected leaves, acorns, sticks, and flowers. We even saw a frog, caterpillar, and a worm! #mmuusdvt
via Instagram Working on retelling “Brown Bear Brown Bear”! Ask your kindergartener to tell you the color of the animals! #mmuusdvt
via Instagram He wrote his first story in Kindergarten!! This kiddo is so beyond proud of himself, and that is why I teach. #mmuusdvt
via Instagram Explored with lines and curves! We discovered most of our letters are made with lines and curves! #mmuusdvt
via Instagram Choice time gives us chances to practice: taking turns, sharing, problem-solving, and making new connections! #mmuusdvt
via Instagram We had library with Mrs. Wood today! Don’t forget library books are due on Tuesdays for Group B! #mmuusdvt